Back Managing Multimorbidity

Date: 5 October
Time: 1-4pm
Online: registration

A keynote presentation by  Professor Chris Whitty, Chief Scientific Advisor, Department of Health and Social Care

The event will feature:

    • Presentations from Dr Madina Kara, Senior Research Collaboration Manager, NOCRI: Collaborations/NIHR Office for Clinical Research Infrastructure (NOCRI), and Professor Gary Ford, Chair of the AHSN Network.
    • Presentations from a number of ARCs with examples of good practice and research in multiple long term conditions.
    • An overview of work carried out by NIHR ARC EM both nationally & internationally (including Covid)
    • An overview of the Multiple Long-Term Conditions National Priorities process
    • Panel Q&A Session with presenters
    • Discussion around future challenges to multimorbidity research in the post Covid era