Research Support Service Hub Delivered by University of Leicester and Partners

Confidentiality agreement

This document provides you with the information about how we deal with the intellectual property that we are privy to whilst supporting of your application development. Please consult the privacy statement for what information we collect and store about your project and how long we’ll hold it for.

As a recipient of support from the NIHR Research Support Service (RSS) we will have sight of your application and will be party to discussions regarding direction, scope and intellectual property (IP) within your project. 

All information that you provide us will be treated in the strictest confidence and only used to help us to give the best possible advice giving in the development of your application. Apart from RSS members of staff, we will only share your ideas and/or application, where appropriate, with our public contributors. All public contributors have been trained by the RSS and have signed a confidentiality statement prior to taking up the role.

On occasion, in order to provide you with the best support, we may need to consult an expert in our wider Partnerships group. If this situation arises we will seek your consent before approaching them.

As part of the working agreement with the RSS you will be asked to share your final application with us before it is submitted for funding. This is for our own internal evaluation; it’s helpful to see whether our suggestions have been useful enough for you to use in your bid and whether the bid is eventually funded.

Please note that the RSS will take appropriate steps to ensure confidentiality of any information sent to us via our website, although we cannot accept any liability for the loss or disclosure of data sent to us in this way.