Research Support Service Hub Delivered by University of Leicester and Partners

Privacy statement

The purpose of this privacy document is to set out what data we collect, why we collect it and how long we will keep it for. Please consult our confidentiality statement for information on how we handle the content of your project applications and associated intellectual property.

The National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) Research Support Service (RSS) complies fully with the General Data Protection Regulations.

Project development support

As a recipient of support from the RSS we will collect and securely store project information relating to your application in order to facilitate our advice giving. We will retain that data until one year after the end of our successive RSS contracts.

We additionally share annual report data with our funders NIHR. All information will be held securely and treated in the strictest confidence by the RSS and NIHR.

The NIHR privacy policy includes further information including ways NIHR may use your data, contact details and details of your individual rights in relation to how your data will be used. This includes details of the information collected by NIHR, why it is collected, how long it will be retained and how the information will be used.


From time to time the RSS will ask you, anonymously, to evaluate the service that you have received, whether it is project support or, for example, event attendance. The feedback we receive is used to improve our service and quotes may be used as feedback to our funders. Collated data will be kept until one year after the end of successive RSS contracts, individual data will be kept for one year.

Event bookings

By signing up to attend an RSS event you consent to the collection and storage of your booking data. This data will be used to facilitate the administration of the event and the evaluation of our effectiveness to reach and engage with researchers throughout our region. Collated data will be kept until one year after the end of successive RSS contracts, individual data will be kept for one year unless it relates to photo permissions in which case it will be held until the end of the RSS contract plus one year.

We use Zoom to manage our event bookings. Information on how Zoom manage booking data can be found here: privacy policy

Data retention

Your contact information will be removed from our records, one year after the end of successive RSS contracts, unless the information relates to a financial transaction when we are obliged to retain it for up to seven years for auditing purposes.

How to contact us

If you wish to contact the RSS Hub delivered by the University of Leicester and Partners to ensure that your contact details are correct and up-to-date or to ask for your contact information to be removed from our records, please contact us at:

Address: Research Support Service, University of Leicester, George Davies Centre, University Road, Leicester, LE1 7RH


Should you have any complaint about the way that the RSS Hub processes your personal information you can make a complaint to the Information Commissioner by visiting: - or by writing to the Commissioner at: The Information Commissioner, Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF.

If we decide to change our Privacy Statement we will email clients and update this document. This will help ensure that you are always aware of what personal information we collect, how we use it, how long we will retain it for and under what circumstances, if any, we share it with other parties.

(October 2023)